Yellow border denotes current featured 'main', which is who you'll find me on for PvE content and during downtime. The teal border dictates my main alt. All non-bordered characters are alts I use when necessary, but are not something I gravitate to by default. These are generally in order of conceptual completeness, and serve dual purposes of A; showcasing the themes I love and B; acting as a library of the concepts I have in limbo.

Eirene du Charbonneau

A Duskwight's heresiarch; endemic of ancient Gelmorran nobility, the last of her House, and yet willing to betray all she embodies by working with the Gridanians who condemn her kind. Once seeker of and privy to peerless power, she now rejects the very premise of such pursuits. The Witch of Ak-Mina lives her overlong life in darker hues day upon day. It is anyone's guess as to whether she will reach the end of the thorny mercy-crusade she marches against the Voidsent which befoul her home, or if the irreconcilable paradox she presents will tear her asunder.

Lethe Delamer

How many nightmares, born from the Deep? There are those who walk the world forever, but there are also those who remember it all... and among the remembered, there are those who ever seek to forget. In desperation do they call for salvation from their own sins, and so does she answer.

Shinshoku no Natsuki

Kami-devout, Tsukuyomi-wed; she changed her fate in pursuit of truth. A shrine maiden from a young age, and now kannushi by default of what little remains of her temple. Freed from the yokes of her Garlean occupiers, their retreat did not come without a final spit in the face - a torch to the places she held sacred. Now, she follows the light of the one shintai even the Garleans' flying machines cannot corrupt, wherever her Lord deems fit to shine.

Opo Midori

Sometimes, through twists of fate, it comes to pass that the most honored among a people can end up the most alone; held on a pedestal, an outsider to the world they served so valiantly. In endless wander does Opo search the world for the hints of belonging that are her right, and long does the path of her deeds stretch behind her.

Aine of Rin

The only-non Padjal in a House famous for producing padjal, Aine is a short-tempered, alcoholic Hearer with a grudge against Gods and demons alike. Serving the Elementals and their patron goddess, Nophica, Aine is a troublemaker always looking to uphold the balance of the Wood.

Valid proxies: Aine Rin@Mateus, Ayne Rin@Mateus

Hrje, of Iryut: The Hoplite

Two hundred years and more within the boughs of the Wood; this venerable esper-huntress the Wood-Warder agent of change hidden in the dark. Sticking to the Green Word even beyond her home's reach, she clings to old ideals. Beyond the safety of the treeline, she hunts not gods nor demons, but a prey far worse than either of them: Man.

Yisan/Toului Himaa

One, two, red, blue; dancing mania made manifest upon the surface of this star, the Himaa twins are not uncommon amidst their clan for the nature of their duality. For the primal nature of their bewitching dance and deadly ribbons set a twirl, however, the Himaa are feared as wildcards in the annual Naadaam and revered as a luxury service for which the victor might enlist the aid of to better relations with the Himaa clan. The steppe is too small to hold such boundless divas, though, and they inevitably broke free of its grassy cage. A deadly race against time ticks away to the tempo of their exhaustive dance, a game with life on the line; and they're all in, playing for keeps.

Arjn Djt-marouc

What would you give for power? To the Green Mages among the Wood Warders, the most common answer would be 'nothing;' that the way of life is to take, without hesitation or remorse. And yet... not all would agree. Woken from his slumber by a pupil returned to his master, Arjn found with horror that his former prodigy had sought progress in his art not through his own expertise and self-control, but via a pact with the Void itself. Now unleashed to wreak Hell upon the world, this grim hunter follows in his pupil's wake, seeking to put him down before he brings the wrath of the outside to the Wood, fulfilling his role in the Word should it cost him his very status as Rava.

Tansui Satou

A wandering ronin, left lordless in the wake of the genocide of his house by the Garleans, Tansui set about insulating the world against the same fate; committing stories to paper, so that those who walked before might lead those who walked after. There are some, though, who rumor that these created works may be more than simply books, however... even fictional embellishment has a way of becoming true in the wake of his work.

Naoh'li Lastleaf

From snow-ridden wastes they came, over ice and snow, guided by a herald of Menphina they called 'Myst'. In the wake of the tree she planted has the Lastleaf clan thrived for millenia - but times have changed, and now the greatest threat to the Lastleaf clan... is themselves. Indebted from birth to the service of his matriarch, Naoh'li serves at her behest... but now he, and his clan, are split between what was and what is. Teetering on the brink of civil war, he finds the meaning of freedom.

J'leytai, the Jackal Queen

A prize to be won for the nunhs of the J, to be sure. Perhaps this is why they believed the Garleans would receive her as a gift of value that she was when they sent her to improve relations with the Garleans in Ala Mhigo, seeking that they might retain their home in the ancestral peaks. Her sacrifice was in vain; avenged by Rhalgr when a bolt of levin struck down their Emperor for their crimes - but even the Grand Companies viewed this hunt-speaking princess as but a spoil of war. At the first touch, she proved them wrong and coronated herself in blood, fleeing far and away from all those who abandoned her... nursing her wounds in the shadows and biding her rime.

Milenko Tavish

A hulking goliath of a Hrothgar, Milenko lost his queen and most of his clan to the Garleans. A slave for years, he regained his freedom after a daring mutiny against his ship's captain, whereupon he and the few other survivors crashed upon Vylbrand's shores. Left with only a few of his queen's personal effects, he garbs himself in physical reminders of what he's lost, in hopes to one day be offered the chance to fight for a world in which no other might have to endure the same.

Rereja Reja

Rich enough to buy half of Ul'dah, not paid enough to care, Rereja is an independent investor with far more money than immediately obvious brains. Fashionista wannabe, Rereja lives like a queen and pays like one too. If divinity truly is the colour of gold, dah~ling, then she's the only God that matters. She wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth, because silver is too cheap for her. She insists she was born with a seventy-two-carat diamond-encrusted platinum-white-gold spoon in her mouth instead.
Insufferability aside, though, she /does/ pay well... and has many, many gigs as cogs in her enigmatic machinations.

I am a stickler for lore. I firmly believe that the canon of the story and the mechanics of the world as written are critical to the setting, and I will not interact with lore-breaking characters. However, I /do/ welcome additive fiction, more commonly known as 'fanon' (specifically the sort that doesn't seek to replace or retcon what we already know, and simply expounds upon what we don't.) These citations form the backbone references for my character(s) and might explain why I flavor a thing working one way where you might know it another.
I generally try to avoid mentioning time, but frankly if I have to I'll use real-time analogues rather than the stupid 'haha the whole game happened in a year' time bubble. I use this calendar conversion post to decide what day it is. I also don't go by the dev's statement that there are no language barriers in FFXIV, because... there very much are? Here's a source for literally everywhere where languages are relevant.Primary Sources
The main sources which cover important tidbits or trivia on masse and serve as standalone repositories.
My Canon Priority: Game MSQ/Quests > Game In-Universe Sources > Lorebooks > Dev Statements > FanonA really good resource (and laughably more complete than the lorebooks) is Sounssy's Lore Compilation Index OR its more updated version, Mirke's Menagerie., which is an absolutely MASSIVE collection of lore tidbits for inspiration/function. I do cite certain things on my own, but I trimmed down my specific citation list a whole lot since Sounssy's kindly done the work for me.Lorebooks: Encyclopedia Eorzea, Volume I [Encyclopedia Eorzea, Volume II (Pending)Other really good sources with a hint of fanon is the Botanica Eorzea and Minerica Eorzea respectively, covering plants and metallurgy, which I will /also/ shamelessly rip from, because it means I have more time to research.Auxilary/Secondary Sources
Sources that aren't covered in the primary sources because they're out of date or lacking proper citations, or are things that bear specific mention due to importance.
The Gelmorran canon I use for Eirene can be detailed in totality on my Free Company site, here.
The only valid response to a Voidsent is death to both Voidsent and Summoner , and Sin Eaters belong on the First (but are AMAZING antagonists)
Images, Art, and Screenshots
Copyrighted, commissioned, or borrowed imagery.
Hrje/Eirene/Natsuki Profile Art by Miscarainious Twitter DeviantArt
Hrje Half-Body by Nopan Artists n' Clients Instagram
Screenshots: Original Content
Backgrounds, ETC: Public Domain if not listed

THE CITATION LISTS BELOW ARE NOT COMPLETE. I DRAW FROM A LOT OF SOURCES! THESE ARE JUST THE BIG OFFICIAL ONES THAT FORM THE BACKBONE OF MY RESEARCH, AND BEAR OFFICIAL CITING. Obviously with something like Eirene or Lethe, I take inspiration from the Drow, but you can't pin an actual APA citation of where the Drow are from because they're scattered throughout fantasy mediums. It would be impossible to keep an up-to-date bibliography on all the research I do, so you'll have to settle for a baby one which is updated when I find big revelations OR for anything that is referencing real-world religions or ideologies to show where I'm getting my representations from..

Druidism Stuff (Eirene, Aine)
Aldhouse-Green, Miranda (1997). Exploring the World of the Druids. London: Thames and Hudson.
Chadwick, Nora (1966). The Druids. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Cunliffe, Barry (2005). Iron Age Communities in Britain: An account of England, Scotland and Wales from the seventh century BC until the Roman Conquest (Fourth Edition). London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-56292-8.
Hutton, Ronald (1991). The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles: Their Nature and Legacy. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-18946-7.
Hutton, Ronald (2007). The Druids. London: Hambledon Continuum.
Hutton, Ronald (2009). Blood and Mistletoe: The History of the Druids in Britain. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-14485-7.
Rutherford, Ward (1978). The Druids and their Heritage. London: Gordon & Cremonesi. ISBN 978-0-86033-067-7.
Ross, Anne (1967). Pagan Celtic Britain. London: Routledge.
Piggott, Stuart (1968). The Druids. London: Thames and Hudson.
Celtic/Irish Stuff (Aine)
Borlase, William Copeland (1897). The Dolmens of Ireland. Indiana University: Chapman and Hall.
Brown, Arthur C. L. (1910), "The Bleeding Lance", PMLA, 25 (1): 1–59, hdl:2027/mdp.39015014539368, JSTOR 456810
Bruford, Alan (1966), "Gaelic Folk-Tales and Mediæval Romances: A Study of the Early Modern Irish 'Romantic Tales' and Their Oral Derivatives", Béaloideas, 34: i–v, 1–165, 167–285, JSTOR 20521320
MacQuarrie, Charles W. (2004). The Biography of the Irish God of the Sea from the Voyage of Bran (c.700 A.D.) to Finnegans Wake (1939): The Waves of Manannán. Lampeter, Wales: The Edwin Mellen Press.
MacNeill, Eoin (1908). Duanaire Finn: The book of the Lays of Fionn. pt. 1. ITS 7. For the Irish Texts Society, by D. Nutt.
Murphy, Gerard (1953). Duanaire Finn: The book of the Lays of Fionn. pt. 3. ITS 43. index by Anna O'Sullivan. For the Irish Texts Society, by D. Nutt.
Moore, A. W. (1891). Folk-lore of the Isle of Man. Douglas, Isle of Man: Brown & Son.
Moore, A. W. (1895), "Further Notes on Manx Folklore", He Antiquary, 31: 38–43
O'Curry, Eugene, ed. (1863), "The Fate of the Children of Tuireann ([A]oidhe Chloinne Tuireann)", Atlantis, IV: 157–240
O'Duffy, Richard J., ed. (1888), Oidhe Chloinne Tuireann: Fate of the children of Tuireann, M.H. Gill & Son (for the Society for the Preservation of the Irish language)
——, ed. (1901). Oidhe Chloinne Tuireann: Fate of the children of Tuireann. M.H. Gill & Son (for the Society for the Preservation of the Irish language). (Some of the earlier notes on MSS in the earlier edition are wanting)
Spaan, David B. (1965), "The Place of Manannan Mac Lir in Irish Mythology", Folklore, 76 (3): 176–195, doi:10.1080/0015587X.1965.9717007, JSTOR 1258585
Gedziute, Audrone. "Perceptions of Human Nature in Celtic Tradition: Significance of the Figure of the Bird". In: Folklore Studies / Tautosakos Darbai. 2019, Vol. 58. pp. 189-206. ISSN 1392-2831

Fairy Stuff (Various)
D. L. Ashliman, Fairy Lore: A Handbook (Greenwood, 2006)
Brian Froud and Alan Lee, Faeries (Peacock Press/Bantam, New York, 1978)
Nicola Bown, Fairies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Art (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001)
Katharine Briggs, A Dictionary of Fairies: Hobgoblings, Brownies, Bogies, and other Supernatural Creatures (Bungay: Penguin, 1977)
Katharine Briggs, The Fairies in Tradition and Literature, 2nd edition (London: Routledge, 2020)
Ronan Coghlan Handbook of Fairies (Capall Bann, 2002)
Richard Firth Green, Elf Queens and Holy Friars: Fairy Beliefs and the Medieval Church (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016)
Lizanne Henderson and Edward J. Cowan, Scottish Fairy Belief: A History (Edinburgh, 2001; 2007)
Ronald Hutton, "The Making of the Early Modern British Fairy Tradition," Historical Journal 57(4), 1135–1157
C. S. Lewis, The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature (1964)
Harmonia Saille "Walking the Faery Pathway", (O Books, London, 2010)
Patricia Lysaght, The Banshee: the Irish Supernatural Death Messenger (Glendale Press, Dublin, 1986)
Peter Narvaez, The Good People, New Fairylore Essays (Garland, New York, 1991)
Eva Pocs, Fairies and Witches at the boundary of south-eastern and central Europe FFC no 243 (Helsinki, 1989)
Joseph Ritson, Fairy Tales, Now First Collected: To which are prefixed two dissertations: 1. On Pygmies. 2. On Fairies, London, 1831
Diane Purkiss, Troublesome Things: A History of Fairies and Fairy Stories (Allen Lane, 2000)
Carole G. Silver, Strange and Secret Peoples: Fairies and Victorian Consciousness (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999)
Tomkinson, John L. Haunted Greece: Nymphs, Vampires and other Exotika, (Anagnosis, 2004) ISBN 960-88087-0-7

Eastern Spiritualism Stuff (Natsuki, Tansui)
Yonei, Teruyoshi. "Aramitama". Encyclopedia of Shinto. Kokugakuin University. retrieved 15 April 2021
Yonei, Teruyoshi. "Nigimitama". Encyclopedia of Shinto. Kokugakuin University. retrieved 15 April 2021
Yonei Teruyoshi: "Sakimitama". Encyclopedia of Shinto, Kokugakuin University, retrieved 15 April 2021
Yonei Teruyoshi: "Kushimitama". Encyclopedia of Shinto, Kokugakuin University, retrieved 15 April 2021
Aston, William George. Shinto: way of the gods. Longmans, Green, and Co. (1905)
Blacker, Carmen. The Catalpa Bow: A Study of Shamanistic Practices in Japan. London: George Allen & Unwin. (1975)
Fairchild, William P. "Shamanism in Japan", Folklore Studies 21:1–122. (1962)
Folklore Society, The. Folklore, Volume 10.Great Britain. (1899)
Groemer, Gerald. "Female Shamans in Eastern Japan during the Edo Period", Asian Folklore Studies 66:27–53. (2007)
Hardacre, Helen. "Shinmeiaishinkai and the study of shamanism in contemporary Japanese life," in Religion in Japan, ed. by P.F. Kornicki and I.J. McMullen, Cambridge University Press, pp. 198–219. (1996)
Hearn, Lafcadio. Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan: Volume 1. Houghton, Mifflin and company. (1894)
Hori, Ichiro. Folk Religion in Japan: Continuity and Change. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press. (1968) ISBN 0226353346.
Kawamura Kunimitsu. "A Female Shaman's Mind and Body, and Possession", Asian Folklore Studies 62.2:257–289. (2003)
Kuly, Lisa. "Locating Transcendence in Japanese Minzoku Geinô: Yamabushi and Miko Kagura," Ethnologies 25.1:191–208. (2003)
North-China herald and Supreme Court & consular gazette, The: Volume 79 - North-China Herald. (1906)
Ricci, Daniele Japanese Shamanism: trance and possession. Volume Edizioni (Kindle Edition, 2012).
Picken, Stuart DB. The A to Z of Shinto. Scarecrow Press. (2006)
Waley, Arthur. The Noh Plays of Japan. (1921)
Nishimuta, Takao (2007-03-28). "Kannushi". Encyclopedia of Shinto. Kokugakuin. Retrieved 16 April 2021.
Moriyasu, Jin. "Kannushi". Nihon
Nishimura, Hajime (1998). A Comparative History of Ideas. Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN 978-81-208-1004-4.
"Shinshoku". Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 18 April 2021.
I have no idea how to cite the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki, so here's your heads up I used those too.

I write stories to 'play up' characters. That means that the things they specialize in I find excuses for them to showcase and further empathize their capabilities. I write stories to give everyone a chance to shine and to tell explore interesting narratives with interesting co-authors. I am NOT interested in turning my hypercompetent, ancient arcanist into your 'harass, belittle, insult, and antagonize' epic anime battle of the week contender for your character. I am not here to compete. I am here to write cooperative stories with my co-authors. If your writing style is based on intracharacter combat, we probably won't enjoy writing together.

I'm a hobby author with an AfS in Creative Writing and almost a decade of writing experience, roughly half of which has been RP-related, following me from forums to MMOs such as World of Warcraft and now Final Fantasy.I generally expect my co-authors to be at least 18+, but I usually aim for 21+ for maturity reasons. I will not write with OOC children.My writing style tends to be serialized character-driven drama, and I view characters as something akin to colors in a palette. I write with intent and tend to avoid idle 'IDK I'm bored lol' 'chill' stories; I prefer my slice of life stuff to further the plot.

I AM looking for:

  • Character/Plot Development/Enablement

  • 'Playing Up' styles of writing

  • IC Drama/Conflict/Comedy

  • Lore Inspired/Abiding (but as long as it doesn't break the theme/setting then :ok_hand:)

  • Long(ish) Stories, or meaningful shorts.

  • Unapologetic bangers.

  • Well-presented additive fiction.

  • Communicative writers/RPers

  • Passionate writers/RPers

I am CONDITIONALLY okay with:

  • Erotic or Dark themes. If it makes sense, it makes sense.

  • Idle scenes.

  • Scenes of coincidence.

  • Adapted Non-FFXIV Characters

  • Non-Playables ('Beast Tribes', etc)

  • Extremely Exotic/Historical Races (Aegyl, Mithra, etc)

  • Artificial Characters (Constructs)

  • Mythical Characters (Auspices, Yokai)

  • Intended Lore Subversion

This category refers to things I would like to play with or would be willing to play with, but under certain conditions, generally anything that doesn't fall more under the 'No' section. Effectively a very cautious 'if you've done your research and play it well, then it'd be interesting'.
Intended Lore Subversion bears further explanation. It's effectively almost lore-breaking but in such a way that it's an extreme exception and most likely unrecreatable and acknowledged as such. Basically allows for the one-in-a-million Hotgo survivor, etc.

I am NOT looking for:

  • Clinging, projecting, etc. I'm not your girlfriend.

  • OOC Children (and largely IC ones too.)

  • OOC Drama, full stop.

  • IC/OOC bleeding.

  • Obnoxious/Disruptive Lore Breaking

  • Casual Shard Travelers

  • Friendly and/or Source Sin Eaters

  • Friendly Voidsent/Ascians/Vampyrs/'Void-Touched'/'Void-Bonded'/Literally anything else that is KILL ON SIGHT.

  • Any reaper so idiotic as to publically identify as such.

  • Unadapted Non-FFXIV Characters

  • NPCs

  • Self Inserts

  • Actual kami in human form.

  • Actual primals in human form.

  • Actual dragons in human form.

  • Combat/'Power Contest' RP.

Straight up no's, or things that are so likely to be a no that there's no point assigning conditions. I value story above all else, so there might be exceptions to certain ones, but I probably wouldn't interact with any of these concepts from my friends, much less someone I don't know.